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Modelling output from the SMB-Gen project: Constraining projections of ice sheet instabilities and future sea level rise

Status: completed
Publication State: published


This collection of data is an archive of the key model output from the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project "SMB-Gen Constraining projections of Ice Sheet instabilities and future sea level rise". The project aim is to constrain future projections of ice sheet instabilities using information from the geological past through the development of novel Bayesian uncertainty quantification tools and their application to modelling past, present and future ice sheet changes using complex coupled climate-ice sheet modelling. This collection of data contains inputs and output from coupled climate-ice sheet simulations of the Quaternary run with the FAMOUS-ice model in which Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are interactively simulated with either the low complexity Glimmer ice sheet model or the more complex BISICLES marine ice sheet model.

Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: ice sheets, Ensemble, Uncertainty Quantification, FAMOUS-Ice, Glimmer


Keywords: ice sheets, Ensemble, Uncertainty Quantification, FAMOUS-Ice, Glimmer
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