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Dataset Collection


ACSOE OXICOA FREETEX-96 and FREETEX-98: Ozone and Radical Chemistry Data from Jungfraujoch High Alpine Research Station

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


The Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE) OXIdising Capacity of the Ocean Atmosphere (OXICOA) Free Tropospheric Experiment (FREETEX) Gas and Aerosol Data from Jungfraujoch High Alpine Research Station contains measurements of chemical species implicated in the control of ozone (O3, NOx, NOy, HNO3, PAN, CO, HO2 + RO2, HCHO, VOCs, etc.), at the Jungfraujoch High Alpine Research Station (3,580m above sea level) over a five-week period in 1996 and again in 1998. Jungfraujoch is located in the lower free troposphere during winter and very often in spring and autumn, during which ozone concentration increases, making it an ideal location to study ozone and peroxy radical chemistry observed in the free troposphere.

Citable as:Natural Environment Research Council; Allan, B.; Allen, A.; Bandy, B.; Bassford, M.; Bauguitte, S.; Beswick, K.; Bradbury, C.; Brassington, D.; Broadgate, W.J.; Burgess, R.A.; Cape, J.N.; Cardenas, L.; Carpenter, L.J.; Carrick, A.; Choularton, T.W.; Coe, H.; Consterdine, I.E.; Creasey, D.J.; Davison, B.; Edwards, G.D.; Evans, M.J.; Gerbig, C.; Green, T.; Grenfell, L.; Heard, D.E.; Iinuma, Y.; James, J.; Jickells, T.; Law, K.; Lee, J.D.; Lewis, A.C.; Lightman, P.; Liss, P.S.; McArdle, N.; McFadyen, G.; McIntyre, H.; McQuaid, J.B.; Mills, G.; Monks, P.S.; Nickless, G.; O'Doherty, S.; Oram, D.; Pilling, M.J.; Plane, J.M.C.; Pyle, J.A.; Reeves, C.E.; Richer, H.; Robertson, L.; Salisbury, G.; Schmitgen, S.; Shallcross, D.; Simmonds, P.; Smith, M.H.; Spain, G.; Spokes, L.; Sturges, W.T.; Thompson, A.; Tiddeman, D.; Vaughan, G.; Wild, O.; Wilson, K.; Yeatman, S.G.; Zanis, P. (2007): ACSOE OXICOA FREETEX-96 and FREETEX-98: Ozone and Radical Chemistry Data from Jungfraujoch High Alpine Research Station. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation.
Abbreviation: acsoe-oxicoa-freetex
Keywords: Not defined


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