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ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Ice_cci): Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record from the AMSR-E and AMSR-2 instruments at 25km grid spacing, version 2.1

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2017-09-28
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2017-10-06
DOI Publication Date: 2017-10-05
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 10.28K Files | 94GB


The dataset provides a Climate Data Record of Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) for the polar regions, derived from medium resolution passive microwave satellite data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer series (AMSR-E and AMSR-2). It is processed with an algorithm using medium resolution (19 GHz and 37 GHz) imaging channels, and has been gridded at 25km grid spacing. This version of the product is v2.1, which is an extension of the v2.0 Sea_Ice_cci data and has identical data until 2015-12-25.

This product was generated in the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Programme (ESA CCI) by the Sea Ice CCI (Sea_Ice_cci) project. The EUMETSAT OSI SAF contributed with access and re-use of part of its processing software and facilities.

A SIC CDR at 50 km grid spacing is also available.

Citable as:  Toudal Pedersen, L.; Dybkjær, G.; Eastwood, S.; Heygster, G.; Ivanova, N.; Kern, S.; Lavergne, T.; Saldo, R.; Sandven, S.; Sørensen, A.; Tonboe, R.T. (2017): ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (Sea_Ice_cci): Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record from the AMSR-E and AMSR-2 instruments at 25km grid spacing, version 2.1. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 05 October 2017. doi:10.5285/f17f146a31b14dfd960cde0874236ee5.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Sea Ice, ESA, CCI, Arctic, Antarctic


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were processed by the ESA CCI Sea Ice project team.

Contribution of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF to the production of this dataset is acknowledged. EUMETSAT OSI SAF provided access and allowed re-use of its SIC reprocessing software and data hosting facilities. The reprocessing chain was further updated with the new algorithms and knowledge from the ESA CCI Sea Ice project.

Data were supplied to CEDA in the context of the ESA CCI Open Data Portal Project

File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted

Citations: 6

The following citations have been automatically harvested from external sources associated with this resource where DOI tracking is possible. As such some citations may be missing from this list whilst others may not be accurate. Please contact the helpdesk to raise any issues to help refine these citation trackings.

Kern, S. (2021) ESA-SICCI2 Arctic Ocean Winter-Time Monthly Sea-Ice Volume Timeseries.
Kern, S. (2021) ESA-SICCI2 Arctic Ocean Winter-Time Monthly Sea-Ice Volume Timeseries.
Kern, S., Lavergne, T., Notz, D., Pedersen, L.T., Tonboe, R.T., Saldo, R. & Sørensen, A.M. (2019) Satellite passive microwave sea-ice concentration data set intercomparison: closed ice and ship-based observations. The Cryosphere 13, 3261–3307.
Kirbus, B., Schirmacher, I., Klingebiel, M., Schäfer, M., Ehrlich, A., Slättberg, N., Lucke, J., Moser, M., Müller, H. & Wendisch, M. (2024) Thermodynamic and cloud evolution in a cold-air outbreak during HALO-(AC)3: quasi-Lagrangian observations compared to the ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24, 3883–3904.
Lavergne, T., Sørensen, A.M., Kern, S., et al. (2019) Version 2 of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF and ESA CCI sea-ice concentration climate data records. The Cryosphere 13, 49–78.
Liang, X., Li, X., Bi, H., Losch, M., Gao, Y., Zhao, F., Tian, Z. & Liu, C. (2022) A Comparison of Factors That Led to the Extreme Sea Ice Minima in the Twenty-First Century in the Arctic Ocean. Journal of Climate 35, 1249–1265.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.

Mobile platform operations

Mobile Platform Operation 1 Aqua Satellite orbit details
Output Description


  • var_id: Lambert_Azimuthal_Grid
  • units: %
  • long_name: algorithm uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • var_id: algorithm_standard_error
  • names: algorithm uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • units: %
  • standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction
  • var_id: ice_conc
  • long_name: fully filtered concentration of sea ice using atmospheric correction of brightness temperatures and open water filters
  • names: sea_ice_area_fraction, fully filtered concentration of sea ice using atmospheric correction of brightness temperatures and open water filters
  • units: %
  • long_name: sea ice concentration estimates as retrieved by the algorithm, and that were edited away by the various filters
  • var_id: raw_ice_conc_values
  • names: sea ice concentration estimates as retrieved by the algorithm, and that were edited away by the various filters
  • units: %
  • long_name: smearing uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • var_id: smearing_standard_error
  • names: smearing uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag
  • var_id: status_flag
  • long_name: status flag bit array for sea ice concentration retrievals
  • names: sea_ice_area_fraction status_flag, status flag bit array for sea ice concentration retrievals
  • var_id: time_bnds
  • units: %
  • standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction standard_error
  • long_name: total uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • var_id: total_standard_error
  • names: sea_ice_area_fraction standard_error, total uncertainty (one standard deviation) of concentration of sea ice
  • units: km
  • standard_name: projection_x_coordinate
  • long_name: x coordinate of projection (eastings)
  • var_id: xc
  • names: projection_x_coordinate, x coordinate of projection (eastings)
  • units: km
  • standard_name: projection_y_coordinate
  • long_name: y coordinate of projection (northings)
  • var_id: yc
  • names: projection_y_coordinate, y coordinate of projection (northings)

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: lat
  • long_name: latitude coordinate
  • names: latitude, latitude coordinate
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: lon
  • long_name: longitude coordinate
  • names: longitude, longitude coordinate
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • long_name: reference time of product
  • names: time, reference time of product
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
