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ARSF - Flight 03/16: Svalbard - Gulfaske, Albrecht, Slakbreen, Bakaninbreen, Midrelovenbreen, Austrbrogger, Finsterwalderbreen, Fridtjonbreen and Koristka

Status: Not defined
Publication State: published


ARSF project 03/16 led by Tavi Murray. Sites: NPI, Gulfaske, Albrecht, Slakbreen, Bakaninbreen, Midrelovenbreen, Austrbrogger, Finsterwalderbreen, Fridtjonbreen, Koristka.

Abbreviation: ARSF_03_16
Keywords: Not defined


Keywords: Not defined
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More Information (under review)

The melt of small glaciers is making a substantive contribution to the rapid rise of global sea level. Climate change is predicted to have most effect on temperature in the Arctic, making glaciers in this region particularly vulnerable to melt. This proposal is to collect LiDAR elevation data that will allow direct measurement of the volume changes of characteristic Arctic glaciers in Svalbard over the 20th century. Digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from LiDAR will be differenced from those produced using digital photogrammetry covering the period 1956-2003. Ground control points (GCPs), which are essential to producing the photogrammetric DEMs, will be derived from the LiDAR data. These results will allow better estimation of the contribution of the Svalbard archipelago to sea level rise over the 20th and 21st centuries.

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Principal Investigators (1)